Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Miss You, Sassy Magazine!

Do you subscribe to any of those vapid female rags? Sure, they're good reading. They help me fall asleep at night. They're great for the beach when you don't want to ruin a good book with a ton of sand or an errant wave. They're fantastic for when you want to look at stupid outfits that don't make any sense and you'd never be able to afford anyway, or when you want to look at a bunch of strange guys with their shirts off from various states. (All About Men Issue, HOLLA!)

But mostly, if you're me, they're good for a laugh. Don't tell me you've never been reading one of these magazines and thought to yourself, "really?... REALLY?" If Cosmo's your Bible, and you actually take their "sex tips" seriously, this might not be the place for you. But if you can see right through their "Look! We use REAL women because we believe in YOU! OUR READERS!" schtick then you might want to pull up a chair, because we have something in common.


  1. Brilliant. This will be my new FML and WTF resource! Carry on.

  2. I hate women's mags in general. I could never relate to those quizzes or tips - my boyfriends and now my husband never would be into any of the ideas they'd suggest for heating things up in the bedroom, etc. I also hate fashion. I'm anti-fashion and always have been.

    I did dig Sassy because they focused on bands I liked and styles that were more my taste back in the days.

    I have to say though, I've always hated Jane Pratt's editorial mannerism. She was like Duff from Ace of Cakes, constantly touting her fave bands and pushing REM and B-52s on us 24-7 (I loved REM, just saying) and she also alienated us in a way by always joking about her staff. Obviously they were all buds, but that wasn't why we were reading. I didn't care about Jacinita and whomever else. I just wanted more info on Kurt Cobain and where I could purchase Docs on Long Island. Ha ha!
